
Andrew Button attended Middlesex University studying Jazz with Chris Batcholor and Stuart Hall. Graduating in 2005 he then went to New York to study with Guitarist Brad Shepic.

Andrew has been an active part of the London music scene for more then ten years and has performed with many top jazz musicians such as Martin Speak, Gareth Lockrane, Jim Mullen, Led Bib, James Alsop, Tori Freestone, Dave Manington, Tim Giles, NYJO, and many more as well as performances in London’s west end and playing in many different rock and pop projects. He recently travelled to Kenya to play with many fine musicians in Nairobi.

He ran and promoted monthly Jazz gigs at the Salisbury Hotel in north London for over fifteen years (http://jazzatthesalisbury.blogspot.co.uk/), and has a regular gig at Mirth, Walthamstow (https://twitter.com/JazzatMirth).